Summer in the Garden

Joyous reference

Coming out of the living room and before climbing the steps that lead to the garden, the warm colors of the Hypericum Hidcote, with its bountiful golden chalice flowers, stand out and grasp the eye's attention. On the other side the orange and yellow Tropaeolum Majus (Nasturtium) cheerfully cascades from the wall. In the background the blood red brush-like flowers of the tall Callistemon Citrinus abound.

Shaded tranquility

In the foreground the silvery fountains of the Liriope 'Silver Dragon' accompany the auspicious light green of the budding Passion and Ripple Hydrangeas. Under the shadow of the large Medlar, the sensual and magnificent "snow balls" of the Harmony Hortensia are in full bloom. A group of solitary and elegant Echinacea Purpurea blossom with their play of pink, orange and purple hues.

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